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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - upset


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~1 v past tense and past participle upset 1 to make someone feel unhappy or worried  (I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.) 2 to change a plan or situation in a way that causes problems  (The delicate ecological balance of the area was upset.) 3 to push something over without intending to  (He upset a bottle of ink over the map.) 4 upset sb's stomach to make someone feel sick 5 upset the apple cart completely spoil someone's plans - upsetting adj ~2 n 1 an unexpected problem or difficulty  (Despite this upset, the General decided to go ahead with the attack.) 2 an occasion when a person or team surprisingly beats a stronger opponent in a competition, election etc  (It was a major upset when the young skater took the gold medal.) 3 stomach/tummy upset an illness that affects the stomach and makes you feel sick 4 worry and unhappiness caused by an unexpected problem ~3 adj 1 unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened + about/by/over etc  (She was still upset about the argument she'd had with Harry.) upset that  (Dad was very upset that you didn't phone.) 2 an upset stomach/tummy an illness that affects the stomach and makes you feel sick
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  (upset) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you are upset, you are unhappy or disappointed because something unpleasant has happened to you. After she died I felt very, very upset... Marta looked upset... She sounded upset when I said you couldn’t give her an appointment... They are terribly upset by the break-up of their parents’ marriage. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ by/about n • Upset is also a noun. ...stress and other emotional upsets. N-COUNT 2. If something upsets you, it makes you feel worried or unhappy. She warned me not to say anything to upset him... Don’t upset yourself, Ida. VERB: V n, V pron-refl • upsetting Childhood illness can be upsetting for children and parents alike... I will never see him again and that is a terribly upsetting thought. = distressing ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 3. If events upset something such as a procedure or a state of affairs, they cause it to go wrong. ...a deal that would upset the balance of power in the world’s gold markets... VERB: V n • Upset is also a noun. Markets are very sensitive to any upsets in the Japanese economic machine. N-COUNT 4. If you upset an object, you accidentally knock or push it over so that it scatters over a large area. Don’t upset the piles of sheets under the box. VERB: V n 5. A stomach upset is a slight illness in your stomach caused by an infection or by something that you have eaten. Paul was unwell last night with a stomach upset... N-COUNT: supp N • Upset is also an adjective. Larry is suffering from an upset stomach. ADJ: ADJ n 6. to upset the applecart: see applecart ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (-set; -setting)  Date: 1677  transitive verb  1. to thicken and shorten (as a heated bar of iron) by hammering on the end ; swage  2. to force out of the usual upright, level, or proper position ; overturn  3.  a. to trouble mentally or emotionally ; disturb the poise of the news ~ me  b. to throw into disorder  c. invalidate  d. to defeat unexpectedly was ~ in the primary  4. to cause a physical disorder in; specifically to make somewhat ill spicy food ~s my stomach  intransitive verb to become overturned  Synonyms: see discompose  • ~ter noun  II. noun  Date: 1804  1. an act of overturning ; overturn  2.  a.  (1) an act of throwing into disorder ; derangement  (2) a state of disorder ; confusion  b. an unexpected defeat  3.  a. a minor physical disorder a stomach ~  b. an emotional disturbance went through a big ~ after his father's death  4.  a. a part of a rod (as the head on a bolt) that is ~  b. the expansion of a bullet on striking  III. adjective  Date: 1805 emotionally disturbed or agitated was too ~ to speak to him ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v., n., & adj. --v. (upsetting; past and past part. upset) 1 tr. & intr. overturn or be overturned. 2 tr. disturb the composure or digestion of (was very upset by the news; ate something that upset me). 3 tr. disrupt. 4 tr. shorten and thicken (metal, esp. a tire) by hammering or pressure. --n. 1 a condition of upsetting or being upset (a stomach upset). 2 a surprising result in a game etc. --adj. disturbed (an upset stomach). Phrases and idioms upset price the lowest acceptable selling price of a property in an auction etc.; a reserve price. Derivatives upsetter n. upsettingly adv. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) опрокидывание опрокидывать(ся) 2) метал. высадка 3) осадка (при стыковой сварке); укорочение детали при осадке 4) разводка (инструмент для развода зубьев пилы) 5) некатастрофический отказ; сбой 6) поперечная трещина (дефект древесины) - circuit upset - cold upset - external pipe end upset - hot upset - internal-external pipe end upset - internal pipe end upset - pipe end upset ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) сброс 2) срыв – inversion upset ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) высадка 2) высадочный 3) высаживать 4) нарушать 5) нарушение 6) опрокидывание 7) опрокидывать 8) осаживать 9) расковывать 10) расстраивать 11) расстроенный 12) расстроить 13) срывать - hot upset test - upset bolt - upset force - upset rivet ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  нарушение, расстройство ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. опрокидывание 2. падение 3. беспорядок 4. крушение (планов и т. п.) 5. ссора, размолвка a bit of an upset with his father —- небольшая размолвка с отцом 6. недомогание a stomach upset —- расстройство желудка 7. расстройство, огорчение; потрясение he went through a big upset after his father's death —- он был потрясен смертью отца 8. неожиданное поражение (в соревнованиях, на выборах и т. п.) 9. тех. высадка; осадка 10. тех. высаженное издание 11. горн. восстающая выработка, сбойка 12. опрокинутый 13. расстроенный; встревоженный she is upset about her brother going away —- она расстроена из-за отъезда своего брата 14. ком. установленный, твердый upset price —- низшая отправная цена (ниже которой продавец не согласен продавать товар на аукционе) 15. опрокидывать to upset a boat —- опрокинуть локу 16. опрокидываться if you don't sit still, the boat will upset —- если вы не будете сидеть спокойно, лодка перевернется 17. расстраивать, нарушать (порядок и т. п.) to upset everything in the house —- перевернуть все в доме to upset smb.'s plans —- расстроить чьи-л. планы 18. полит. подрывать, дестабилизировать 19. выводить из душевного равновесия; огорчать the bad news completely upset him —- плохие новости совсем его расстроили 20. расстраивать здоровье (особ. желудок) he ate something that upset him —- у...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. v.  1) опрокидывать(ся)  2) расстраивать, нарушать (порядок и т.п.); to upset smb. s plans - расстраивать чьи-л. планы  3) расстраивать, огорчать, выводить из душевного равновесия; I am upset - я расстроен  4) нарушать пищеварение  5) tech. обжимать; осаживать Syn: agitate, demoralize, disconcert, disturb, exacerbate Ant: calm, relax, relieve, soothe  2. noun  1) опрокидывание  2) беспорядок  3) расстройство, огорчение  4) coll. ссора  5) недомогание; stomach upset - расстройство желудка  6) sport неожиданное поражение  3. adj. upset price - низшая отправная цена (на аукционе) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1440, "to set up, fix." Modern sense of "overturn, capsize" (1803) is that of obsolete overset. Meaning "to throw into mental discomposure" is from 1805. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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